Monday, July 23, 2018

Equipment Sale And Leaseback Turns Assets Iinto Cash

There is a new approach for any business owner of any size to raise quick capital. Get up to 70% of the original purchase price against equipment you own. Even more, the money received can be used for any purpose whatsoever. No restrictions.

Equipment sale leasebacks, what are they?

The sale of an asset for cash while the asset remains on the seller’s property with a contract to lease the asset back from the source purchasing the asset.

Why would I use my equipment to get working capital?

◦Get up to 70% of the purchase price against existing equipment you own

◦The equipment stays on your property

◦You can write the monthly payments off up to 100%

◦No interruption in the use of the equipment

◦No restrictions on how the money is used

◦No other collateral needed

◦Does not interfere with your credit lines at the bank